Dr Chris Hill - It's Already Done

Duration: 00:41:41
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Release Date
09 March 2018
09 March 2018
Bishop TD Jakes speaks on letting go of all the trials you face and hand them over to Christ. The devil attacks when he sees that you are getting closer to the road of your destiny. When the seed that God has placed inside you starts to flourish, it attracts the devil. When the devil strikes, we tend to feel that we need to fix whatever is going on in our lives, and forget that for every struggle in life God has a strategy. All we have to do in those circumstances is be still, and leave it alone.
Bishop TD Jakes speaks on letting go of all the trials you face and hand them over to Christ. The devil attacks when he sees that you are getting closer to the road of your destiny. When the seed that God has placed inside you starts to flourish, it attracts the devil. When the devil strikes, we tend to feel that we need to fix whatever is going on in our lives, and forget that for every struggle in life God has a strategy. All we have to do in those circumstances is be still, and leave it alone.
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A- Family Content
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Bishop TD Jakes speaks on letting go of all the trials you face and hand them over to Christ. The devil attacks when he sees that you are getting closer to the road of your destiny. When the seed that God has placed inside you starts to flourish, it attracts the devil. When the devil strikes, we tend to feel that we need to fix whatever is going on in our lives, and forget that for every struggle in life God has a strategy. All we have to do in those circumstances is be still, and leave it alone.