Drama Watch NowHujuma is a Kenyan soap that tackles friendship, family and the intrigues that surround those relationships. Ruto (35 years) is an urban lawyer from a humble background, married to Moraa (31 years), daughter of a very rich businessman. They were introduced to each other by Kip (36 Years), who is the son of a rich politician who had spent some fruitless years with Moraa in the UK and who is also a childhood friend of Ruto
Bliss And Bruises
Crime Drama Watch Now"The family that live together must stay together". That is Uchechi's idea of having everyone under one roof where she rules, but little does she know that love and respect is earned, not forced.
Drama Watch NowHujuma is a Kenyan soap that tackles friendship, family and the intrigues that surround those relationships. Ruto (35 years) is an urban lawyer from a humble background, married to Moraa (31 years), daughter of a very rich businessman. They were introduced to each other by Kip (36 Years), who is the son of a rich politician who had spent some fruitless years with Moraa in the UK and who is also a childhood friend of Ruto.
Secondary Season One
Drama Watch NowBased on a true story of what happens in the typical Nigerian High school.