Drama Play NowInstaguru is the story of Marion, a 27 year old female who starts an NGO called 'Tilda Goes Green Foundation' with the best assistance she can get. One month after the start up, she realizes she needs a Digital PR Consultant to help boost her Brand's image. The handsome Jim Franklin is recommended and proves to be the best in town.
Drama Play NowIn order to keep his relationship and run his business a married man is caught in the web of the drug cartel who on order to retrieve a flash drive that contains incriminating evidence against the. They are desperate to protect their names at all costs.
Gone Grey
Drama Play NowThings are working fine for a young man and his happy family, suddenly the past of one of them comes to haunt them and is set to ruin their home.
Am I Black Enough 4 You?
Comedy Documentary Play NowFilmmaker embarks on a quest to explore the definition of "Blackness" and to find "The Blackest Man in America" after comedian AJ Jamal is told he is not "Black Enough" to be successful in Hollywood because he doesn't use profanity in his act. Featuring Ola Alabi, Maya Azucena, Debbie Carter, Monet Cherise,Kym Craig, Blake Emory, Bud Lewis, Kevin Harewood, Sha Hendrix, Jon Laster, Jacqueline Rhinehardt, Carmen Rodgers.
How To Be A Door
Play NowSpoken word piece by Grace Barnes talking to all the young ladies who haven't found love yet.
A Toy's Story
Drama Play NowA story about two toys who find love but it ends tragically as a 3rd gets involved.
Hottest Woman In Town S3
Drama Play NowA village woman marries a man who wants her to dress like a city lady so he wouldn't cheat on her but things take a turn when the hunter becomes the hunted.
God Of Shiloh
Drama Play NowA young boy Daniel has an encounter with a witch doctor as he goes into her compound to fetch his ball. Watch how this turns out for the young lad.
The Confession
Drama Play NowConfessions are more than talking about what you did but they are about letting out your secrets and this can be complicated.
Drama Play NowTrust is like a glass. Once its broken, it can never be the same again. In her younger years, Tasha found herself in circumstances that led to her doing some things that she now looks back on with regret. Not all secrets die when buried. Some come back to haunt you.
Just Before I Do
Drama Play NowA conniving mother in-law causes mayhem for a couple as she is against the union which in turn leads to a series of gloomy and unpredictable events that unfolds. Tolus Thomas just got out of EFCC custody and resumes wedding plans with his fiancee, However, Tolus mum is against the idea of her only son marrying a girl who she thinks has bewitched him to donate his kidney without her consent.
Being Single
Drama Play NowBeing Single, the story of a young professional who is in love with a philandering boyfriend and the philanderers ways are not unknown to his girlfriend played by Bellinda Effah.
Drama Play NowIfy as played by Oma Nnadi found herself in a state where her husband abandoned her, due to the fear that she has cancer, and as treating her will make him bankrupt, he had to flee.
The Quest
Drama Play NowPastor Morris continues after being suspended from the church for using it's fund to to save his undying wife. Subsequently his son falls ill and he becomes afraid of losing him just as he lost his brother.